My Perioral Dermatitis Journey:
If you struggle with POD you know that it is extremely frustrating and can be very difficult to get rid of. Although there is a lot of information our there about POD, dermatologists do not teach their patients about what is really going on with their POD. It is always important to remember that the health industry is a business, they are there to make money. Many doctors are amazingly helpful, but sadly a lot will give you band-aid solutions that will keep you coming back.
My POD began about 3 years ago when I was a senior in college. I am very active, I rarely stay at home, so having a big rash on my face was not helping my busy lifestyle. I went the doctor route first and got my anti-biotics which helped... for a while. But when my derm gave me a cream that made my whole face swell up every time I had a sip of alcohol, I decided it was time to figure out another way.
Research is your best friend with POD. Everyone's skin will react differently to POD and to the treatments that you try. The website that I felt gave me the best information was: http://www.earthclinic.com/cures/perioral-dermatitis.html
Here are the things that did NOT work for me:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
- I loved this stuff as an addition to my tea, but it burned my skin and only felt as if it made it worse.
2. Yogurt Masks
- These irritated my skin and made my face turn red
3. Coconut or any kind of oil
- Clogged my skin and made POD worse
OK! Lets get to the good stuff!!! Here is what DID help!
1. Cutting out everything with Sodium Laureth Sulfate
- SLS is in everything that bubbles, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste. The good news is that there are a TON of natural alternatives to these that are SLS free! And they won't break your bank. SLS is a well known irritant of POD, plus, nothing in those products is really good for you anyway so it shouldn't be too bad of a sacrifice. Good news is you can keep your conditioners! Most hair conditioners do not have SLS in them! I use the curly girl method so I don't shampoo anyway. Most health food stores have TONS of delicious smelling soaps that are almost always SLS free, so take your pic! I use an African Black soap on my face, it is supposed to be very soothing. I just pick whatever smells good for my body.

2. Cutting out fluoride
- I know what your thinking... but it helps! Throw out that $2 of toothpaste and head to the health food aisle. I buy Nature's Gate Toothpase, it is SLS and fluoride free! And I think it feels just like the regular stuff.

3. California Baby Calendula Cream
- This was my Godsend... I cannot rave enough about this product. I would buy 100 jars if I could afford it. NOTHING worked until I got this stuff. Target sells this cream in their baby aisle. I live in Texas and I have not been able to find it in any stores here, I bought my first small jar online while Target had free shipping over the holidays. When I went to California for New Years, sure enough, they had TONS of the stuff! I bought the big jar. Once I started using this stuff, along with my African Black soap, my POD cleared up in about 3 days. 3 DAYS!!! After almost 3 years of dealing with this thing I get rid of it in 3 days.
I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure that cutting out SLS and fluoride has healed my skin, but I'm not willing to go back and try test it out. My skin is 100% clear of POD and I could not be happier. The calendula cream has made my skin baby soft, NO JOKE! Even if you just have really dry skin, this stuff is amazing. Before you go out spending hundreds of dollars on different remedies, get a jar of this stuff, the 1oz container retails for about $13 and it lasts forever!
Here are my last few encouraging tips for those suffering with POD
1. Everyone's skin is different!
- What has worked for me may not work for you. Don't feel bad if someone swears by something (like the calendula cream) and it just doesn't work for you.
2. Listen to your skin
- So many people had said that Apple Cider Vinegar healed their POD. I kept using it even though I felt like it was counter productive. I should have listened to my skin! It was telling me that this wasn't working but I kept using it anyway. Give any remedy at least 3 days, and if you don't feel like you're seeing improvement, get rid of it!
3. It WILL get better!
- I was at the point where I didn't want to leave my apartment, I didn't even want my boyfriend to kiss me because I felt like my skin was so bad. I kept having to tell myself that this was not the worst thing that could have happened to me. I am vain, I will not try to hide that. But I told myself every day that just because I have a temporary skin condition, does not give me the excuse to not live my life. I had my breakdowns, sitting in the car not going into a building because I didn't want people to look at my face, but I went anyway. Don't ever let your POD control your life.
I hope that I was able to answer some questions that y'all had! If you have any further questions feel free to comment on here and I will answer anything that I can! Thank you so much for all of y'all's support!
Much Love,